Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business

ESMT Berlin Germany

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an idea, testing it in the market, and iteratively developing the idea to improve it. The course uses a hands-on approach. You will receive guidance on how to structure and implement an entrepreneurial business, ranging from the inception of a product/service design to raising capital. Throughout the course, the cross-functional and interdisciplinary nature of going from idea to company will be emphasized.


Learning outcomes

During the course, students will gain the capabilities to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and to develop business ideas from these opportunities. These skills are not only of high value for new entrepreneurial companies but also relevant in a broader business context. In fact, what we do is a central tool for planning and controlling new business activities/ventures within established organizations.

This course aims to develop:

  • Your ability to apply knowledge, frameworks and techniques from many disciplines, such as marketing and finance, in the context of going from idea to company.
  • Your ability to modify existing tools to offer new solutions to complex problems or to create new opportunities.
  • Your ability to deliver effective written and oral presentations.
  • Your ability to identify all relevant stakeholders and propose solutions that take into account multiple interests when setting up new ventures.
  • our ability to be innovative in the development of business solutions/ideas.

Click here to download the current 2023 Syllabus