Postdoc Opportunities

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Past Opportunities

PostDoc Opportunity From FGV-EAESP in Partnership with Yale University

Deadline to apply is January 31, 2020

Click on links below for details


Postdoc opportunity at Business School, Renmin University of China

Deadlines are March 15 and September 15, 2020

The application requirements in details are following:

1. Foreign nationality with recent PhD degree under the age of 35.

2. Graduate of top 100 universities or top 100 majors in the world. 

3. If the students come from One Belt One Road countries, the ranking requirement can be top 3 in their own country. And if students acquire the PhD degree from Germany, they can ignore the ranking requirement with the formal recommendation from Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

4. Already has an invitation letter from a Chinese University postdoc center.

5. Guarantee the postdoc research period will be full-time and will be at least 20 months in China.  Foreigners in China with salary cannot apply to the project. 

6. Has excellent Chinese or English language skills. 

7. Has excellent research achievements before the application.

8. Haven't been funded by the project ever.

9. If the current status is already a postdoc but no more than 6 months before the application deadline, they also can apply the project.

And the application procedure is following:

1. complete the application form attached (the last part in the form in Chinese is the recommendations from receiving postdoc centre, it can be blank initially)

2. ID certificates (passport)

3. PhD degree certificates (If the students will get the degree in the next 6 months, they can send some materials to prove they will get the degree in time)

4. personal CV 

5. research achievements mentioned in the application form

Please the application materials 7 days before the deadline date to Sunny Ma of Renmin Business School, PhD Program Office at The first deadline is Mar.15th and the second deadline is Sep.15th. The funded name list will be released by China Postdoc Science Foundation in May and October. If there is anybody interested, please feel contact Sunny Ma at for more information. Download the application form.