Micro-national Champions in the Digital Economy

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are “born global.” This is a game-changer for micro and small businesses, as they can instantly access the global digital commons and leverage an infinite amount of resources-- at little or no cost.
AI, Cloud-based tools, the sharing economy, social media and e-commerce have enabled the growth of agile, scalable and dynamic new businesses. Collaborative networks and open sourced platforms have revolutionized what “traditional” businesses can do to grow and innovate.
This course is for risk-takers and entrepreneurs looking to engineer a small business from an idea to a functional reality. It also offers a learning experience for corporate thinkers looking to apply fast, nimble and creative approaches to jump-start their existing organizations.
The course will focus on formulation, exploration and validation of a business idea, and how to turn that idea into a functional, scalable and defendable micro-national business. Emphasis will be on Asia as well as emerging market opportunities. Students will gain first hand access and insights from Mr Capri’s recent research and business experiences regarding MSMEs in Indonesia and throughout South East Asia.
Module Objectives
Students will acquire a robust frame-of-reference around the following themes:

1.    Tapping into collaborative networks and ecosystems to research, test and validate ideas
2.    Leveraging platforms and Apps
3.    Utilizing digital micro-finance, credit and funding
4.    Developing strategies for Social Commerce (promotion and sales as well as secure payments and revenue generation)
5.    Human capital development and leveraging of the Gig economy
6.    Using Cloud based tools, AI and resources for strategic growth
7.    Exploiting public-private partnerships and working with NGOs
8.    Learning how to obtain government funding and resources

Course Date & Time

Wednesdays, 18:30 to 21:30 (Singapore Time)