Online Event - Author Talk: Business School and the Noble Purpose of the Market

March 26, 2025 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm America/New York

Today's business schools were designed for a world that no longer exists. Capitalism raised the standard of living for billions of people over the past 150 years, but is now causing systemic challenges it is unable to address, including climate change and inequality. And yet, business schools continue to teach ideas that are making things worse: elevating the primacy of shareholder profits above the interests of employees, the environment, and society; viewing government as an intrusion on the free market rather than an arbiter of its proper functioning; and promoting unlimited economic growth despite the devastating environmental and social consequences. Business schools cannot simply drop an elective into their curriculum to address these challenges. We must rethink the faulty foundations.

Business School and the Noble Purpose of the Market explains the intellectual foundation MBA students, faculty, and administrators need to reform capitalism and restore its noble purpose for the 21st century.

Vincent Stanley, CBEY resident fellow and Director of Philosophy at Patagonia, will sit in conversation with author Andrew Hoffman to discuss the current gaps in curriculum and what’s needed to 1) rethink shareholder capitalism and serve society’s needs 2) amend curriculum and pedagogy, and 3) bring a new spirit and sensibility to business school.

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We are delighted to share a discount! You can purchase this book at Stanford University Press and use the code HOFFMAN20 for 20% off.

Business School and the Noble Purpose of the Market book cover