Global Network Courses are for-credit, elective courses offered virtually by a member school open to students from throughout the network. The courses connect students from multiple member schools online for lectures, discussions, and collaborative team projects that support the development of teamwork skills and cross-cultural perspectives.
The courses can be thought of as small network online courses, or SNOCs. In contrast to the massive online open courses (MOOCs) offered by many institutions, in which unscreened participants have varying degrees of interest and capabilities, SNOCs enroll a select group of top-tier MBA students engaged in a common effort to build management skills.
By bringing together MBA candidates from member schools as part of their regular coursework, the courses harness the strengths of the Global Network on a daily basis.
If you are a student at a Global Network school interested in one of these courses, please contact your MBA director for a detailed syllabus, schedule (pay attention to time zones and time changes for daylight saving time), and application link.